Monday, 16 December 2013

Shopstyle Christmas Giveaway

Hello lovelies! How's your week been? And most importantly, how's the holidays preparations going? I still have to sort out a lot of gifts and hope I can do it all in due time *fingers crossed*

Today's post is for this amazing blogger challenge hosted by ShopStyle - you will see below my dream outfit put together with items from ShopStyle. Scroll down and hit "Read more" if you'd like to know all the details! Just a quick tease before that: the prize is £1000 in retail vouchers of your choosing - yup, you read right!

Monday, 9 December 2013

ASOS Christmas Party

Hello lovelies! As I previously promised, this post is about the much awaited ASOS Christmas party. It was an amazing event and experience; if you'd like to know just HOW amazing click on "Read more"!

Ro: Bună dragilor! După cum am promis în post-ul anterior azi voi scrie despre mult-așteptata petrecere de Craciun ținută de ASOS. A fost un eveniment și o experiență minunate, dacă vreți să aflați mai multe detalii, dați click pe "Read more"!

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Sneak Peek

Hello lovelies! So how was your first day of December? If I'd have to sum up mine in one word that word would have to be “cold” – not so fun, I know!

Today’s post will be short and will focus on the super exciting ASOS Christmas party. I am so happy to have been given the chance to take part in it and cannot wait for the date to arrive (just a couple more days left, eeek!)